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Writer's Diary: "About Solitude" | Пишчев Дневник: "О Самоћи" | Poetic prose and philosophy. Daily Writing | Поетска Проза, Филозофија | Prose poétique et philosophie | Écriture quotidienne

  Writer's Diary:  "About Solitude"  Пишчев Дневник: "О Самоћи" Can we fall up, fall and climb?   Do you feel lonely? What is loneliness? Man as a being of community should not be feels lonely. In prison, the most serious criminals who are peaceful, do not put in solitary confinement if they do not deserve it. In addition to all technical aids, social networks and with all the progress we remain lonely, even more lonely, so today we have examples of people screaming because of loneliness, through windows or from the terraces of their skyscrapers. Loneliness as an emotion, like everything around us and in us, is subject to the dual adaptation of the individual to adapt to what surrounds him in space and to what happens to him in time. Feeling lonely does not have to be conditioned by whether we have company or not. If we were not "recognized" by our parents as children, or we were given less attention by our brother, we certainly have a predisposition t...

The Night Of Broken Arrows: "Lord of Solitude" | Noć Slomljenih Strela: "Gospodar Samoće" | Kratke Priče. Short Stories

  Night of Broken Arrows Noć Slomljenih Strela "Lord of Solitude" The plant blossomed, the colors of flowers as created for painters' souls to immortalize them. The little, fragile girl also liked the flowers. She puts her nose in the flower and the flower stabs her to death. You bunch! You are a mass of moldy human flesh! Are you such salt to the earth, a salt that kills! You know that old joker, who has been changing masks for centuries and taking various visible and invisible forms? These days, he has only two eyes, one is looking straight at you, the other is looking at the vast desert. You see he's gone now, you're here... You sit alone and think...    *** Gospodar Samoće Procvetala je biljka, boje cvetova kao stvorenih za slikarske duše da ih ovekoveče. Cvetovi su se dopali i devojćici, malenoj, krhkoj. Ona svoj nosić u cvet unese i cvet je smrtonosno ubode.   Gomilo!!!   Maso crvljiva!!!   Zar ste takva so zemlji, so koja ubija!!!   Zn...

Writer's Diary: "Truth And Lie" | Пишчев Дневник: "Истина и Лаж" | Теозофија, Психоанализа, Филозофија, Teozofija, Psihoanaliza, Filozofija, Theosophy, Psychoanalysis, Théosophie, Psychanalyse, Philosophie Philosophy,

  Writer's Diary: "Truth And Lie" John 18:33-38 33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus, and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” John 18:33-38 34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?” 35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?” 36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” 37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” 38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this, he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him. * John 8:44 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father...

Мисли О Мислима: "Глад" 03 | Thoughts About Thoughts: "Hunger" / Poetska Teozofija, Poetic Theosophy, Philosophy, Filozofija, Théosophie poétique, Théosophie poétique, Philosophie, Philosophie

  Thoughts About Thoughts:  Hunger Hunger! Hunger in every atom of the human being. Addiction is a picture of hunger. Our body is waging a war within itself, a war of its own duality. Micro Space! Macro Space! Black and white! Minus One and Plus One! I spin like a tern, I want to stop at zero. * To understand the world around us we must first understand ourselves. We must understand the nature of opposites, we must understand the force of gravity and entropy. We have to face death ... face to face. * If we turn hunger in ourselves into a hunger for love, into the pursuit of virtue, into joyful patience, into the will for peace, then we declare war on our own dual nature and the dual nature around us. This is difficult, everyone who has fasted physically and spiritually knows that. Striving for spiritual energy is like waking up in the air. The proof that we can fly is to fly in our sleep. To take off spiritually means to be saturated with the products of this world. In this ca...

Poljubac Žene Zmaja: "Poslednji Momenat" | The Kiss Of The Dragon Woman: "Тhe Last Moment" | Le Baiser de la Femme Dragon : "Le dernier moment" | poetry | poezija | poésie

  The Kiss Of The Dragon Woman: "The Last Moment" Boško Mandić: Poetics of the Dragon The poetic expression (or poem) does not derive from a set of connected words, but from the dedicated depth of the author whose very presence becomes part of the woven sentences. Because the word comes from the cosmos and the sentences from people. The poet is not only a mediator, he is also an immersion in his own soul in which he finds images, words, emptiness, fluids, and the melody of rhythm ... This is how poetry is created. The inability to express it, in fact, is our biggest ally. But we still try and squeeze out the neglected parts of beauty. The first collection of songs is not an indication of difficulty, but an instruction to continue digging our own well in which we find the echo of the meaning of life. The collection of poems The Kiss of the Dragon Woman points to a sequence of spontaneous flashes that single-handedly and clairvoyantly ask questions about personal presence in th...

Writer's Diary: "War and Peace" | Пишчев Дневник: "Рат и Мир" | Poetic prose and philosophy. Daily Writing | Поетска Проза, Филозофија | Prose poétique et philosophie | Écriture quotidienne

  Writer's Diary: "War and Peace"  What happens? War? When and how much peace was there on our planet? How many wars? God is dead? Human is dead! * Peace has become a notch throughout world history. Antediluvian madness and war. Do you think that the monkey is the one who picked up the stone or the bone and killed his rival the monkey, or is it the man who took the knife and killed his own brother from behind, cold-blooded without foam on his mouth? * Truth and lies !? War and peace! War reigns on this planet! War for space among plants. Carnivorous plants! War among all species, fish and birds, wolves and sheep, war among insects. The struggle for survival! Necessary balance? Entropy and Balance? Gravity, fall, aspiration, will, spirit, mental fitness. How did the war come about? The life-giving Almighty who creates incomprehensibly and joyfully always breathes freedom. If you "appropriate" the freedom that was given to you, then it is no longer freedom. If you...