Ishod Na Nišanu: "So i Zemlja" | Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie
Ishod Na Nišanu Outcome On Gunpoint Résultat sur la cible " So i Zemja" Veliko Oko U oku moć i slava Bela i crna boja... * Tri svetlosti! Svaka je dobra, ali nije svaka, bez početka i bez kraja... * Počinjem da se vrtim kao čigra, Na nuli je težnja da se zaustavim... * Tražiš mir? Kakav mir? A slava? I gde je tu sada tvoj gnev? * Beton čoveku na glavu pada! So i Zemlja! 💙 Music Intermezzo - Live Session: Jazz-Rock Fusion "Between the Sun and the Moon" 02 "Salt and Earth" Big Eye Power and glory in the eye White and black color ... * Three lights! Each is good, but not each, without beginning and without end ... * I'm starting to spin like a tern, At zero is the tendency to stop ... * Are you looking for peace? What peace? And the glory? And where is your anger now? * Concrete falls on a man's head! Salt and Earth ! 💙 EX EX: INFERIO 💙 "Sel et Terre" Grand œil Puissance et gloire dans les yeux Couleur blanche et noire... * Trois...