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Приказују се постови за август 10, 2021

Ishod Na Meti: "Nezaboravno Se Kreće" 12 / Zbirka Poezije | poezija | poetry | poésie

  Ishod Na Meti:  "Nezaboravno Se Kreće"  12   Nije to samo zla slutnja kod zavisnika, zavidnika ili melanholika, Nisu u pitanju ni besmislene rasprave o opštim mestima, Upravo je ta, najveća slika, ništa drugo već obična promenljiva pozadina, gde se sve ubija, zakopava i zaboravlja. Tu priču o jednookom gusaru i zakopanom blagu, sam davno čuo... Nisam ni najcrnjom slutnjom, slutio da sam za jednookim, mračnim i malo kome, vidljivim gusarom, kao hipnotisani malili duh, potrčao... Takav zamak bola, gde se i kamen od straha prepao! Koliko dugo sam tamo vremena proveo? Za mene se borba vodila pod ulicom u  splinovima i u smoli, Nosio sam sve to sa sobom i srce više nemam, p oklonio sam ga tebi. Snena o zloj slutnji, sluti sama, Više je nema, Zarobljena je u parčetu bačenog i razbijenog ogledala. Photo:  Sebastian Sava Gor

Best Albums Ever: L7 - Bricks Are Heavy

L7  is an American rock band founded in Los Angeles, California, first active from 1985 to 2001 and re-formed in 2014. Their longest standing lineup consists of Suzi Gardner (vocals, guitar), Donita Sparks (vocals, guitar), Dee Plakas (drums, vocals) and Jennifer Finch (bass, vocals). L7 has released seven studio albums and has toured widely in the US, Europe, Japan, Australia, and South America. "Pretend We're Dead" was heavily played on US alternative radio and entered the top 10 on the Billboard Modern Rock chart in 1992. Recognized for being simultaneously subversive and infused with humor, L7 is known for consistently delivering spirited live performances with physical, ferocious sets. Due to their sound and image, L7 is often associated with the grunge movement of the late 1980s and early 1990s; As an all-female band, L7 formed Rock for Choice in 1991 and have, at times, also been linked to riot grrrl, although they preceded and are outliers of both the grunge and r...