Мисли О Мислима: "Глад" 03 | Thoughts About Thoughts: "Hunger" / Poetska Teozofija, Poetic Theosophy, Philosophy, Filozofija, Théosophie poétique, Théosophie poétique, Philosophie, Philosophie
Thoughts About Thoughts: Hunger Hunger! Hunger in every atom of the human being. Addiction is a picture of hunger. Our body is waging a war within itself, a war of its own duality. Micro Space! Macro Space! Black and white! Minus One and Plus One! I spin like a tern, I want to stop at zero. * To understand the world around us we must first understand ourselves. We must understand the nature of opposites, we must understand the force of gravity and entropy. We have to face death ... face to face. * If we turn hunger in ourselves into a hunger for love, into the pursuit of virtue, into joyful patience, into the will for peace, then we declare war on our own dual nature and the dual nature around us. This is difficult, everyone who has fasted physically and spiritually knows that. Striving for spiritual energy is like waking up in the air. The proof that we can fly is to fly in our sleep. To take off spiritually means to be saturated with the products of this world. In this ca...