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Best Albums Ever: Sonic Youth: "Daydream Nation" (1988) - avantgarde - alternative - rock - noise - punk - indie

Daydream Nation is the fifth studio album by American alternative rock band Sonic Youth, released on October 18, 1988. The band recorded the album between July and August 1988 at Greene St. Recording in New York City, and it was released by Enigma Records as a double album. After Daydream Nation was released, it received widespread acclaim from critics and earned Sonic Youth a major label deal. The album was ranked high in critics' year-end lists of 1988's best records, being voted second in The Village Voice's annual Pazz & Jop poll. Daydream Nation has since been widely considered to be Sonic Youth's greatest work, as well as one of the greatest albums of all time, specifically having a profound influence on the alternative and indie rock genres. It was chosen by the Library of Congress to be preserved in the National Recording Registry in 2005. Daydream Nation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Sonic Youth made a major step forward with 1987's Sister...

NISAM BIO TU: "Bitnost bitisanja…" (Autobiografski Roman u Nastavcima 34) Autobiografija | Autobiography | Autobiographie - 1991 godina

                 "Bitnost bitisanja…"                       Allen Ginsberg (Beograd 1991)   Anja me je pozvala na pesničko veče u Domu Omladine. Gost je bio jedan od najbitnijih predstavnika svoje, "hipi" generacije, takozvanih "bitnika", pesnika, proznih pisaca i filozofa, oni se vezuju za šesdesete i sedamdesete godine prošlog veka, za kulturnu revoluciju u Americi, tog doba, za hipi pokret tj. za rat protiv Vijetnama, za više građanskih sloboda i sličnih stvari. Nešto malo od svega toga sam čitao. U rukama sam pored Ginzberga držao i Timoti Lirija, Džek Keruaka, Volt Vitmena i možda najupečatljivijeg, meni- Viljem S. Barouza. Meni se sve to činilo interesantnim do izvesne granice. Modernu Američku Poeziju, mada ona više nije nova,   ali je smatraju jednom od najbitnijih i to je moguće istina. Ja lično, sam još staromodn...