
Приказују се постови за јул 30, 2019

Spontaneous Combustion: A Matter of Time | Спонтано Сагоревање: Питање Времена | Zbirka Kratkih Priča | Une collection d'histoires courtes | A Collection of Short Stories | kratka priča | Nadrealizam | Avantgarde | Surrealism

Spontaneous Combustion Спонтано Сагоревање Combustion Spontanée   A Matter of Time She missed the train in a second. She decided to get on the bus but the bus passed behind her ear. She wanted to hitchhike, but the cars changed route, so they went, from her to somewhere. She ran to catch a plane, but the plane disappeared in an unknown triangle. Everything passed but she hasn’t yet. Питање Времена  Прошао јој воз за минут. Одлучила да уђе у аутобус а он јој прошао иза увета.  Хтела да стопира али аутомобили променили трасу, па иду од ње ка негде.  Потрчала на авион а он прошао и нестао у неком троуглу.  Све јој прошло а она није још. *** Prošao joj voz za minut. Odlučila da uđe u autobus a on joj prošao iza uveta.  Htela da stopira ali automobili promenili trasu, pa idu od nje ka negde.  Potrčala na avion a on prošao i nestao u nekom trouglu.  Sve joj prošlo a ona nije još. "Crveni Ciklon" - Digitalna Ilustracija  Sebastian Sava Gor   Une question de temps Elle a raté le tr

Spontaneous Combustion: "In The Name Of The People" - Spontano Sagorevanje: "U Ime Naroda" / Zbirka Kratkih Priča, kratka priča, short story, histoire courte, nadrealizam, teatar apsurda, surréalisme, théâtre de l'absurde, theater of the absurd, iracionalizam, avantgarde, avangarda, irrationalism, irrationalisme

Spontaneous Combustion Spontano Sagorevanje Combustion Spontanée **** English:  In The Name Of The People "I will speak for the people!" exclaimed the gentleman in blue.         - No, I will speak on behalf of the people! - objected the gentleman in red. At this, the gentleman in blue offended and left.       - Because of this, I will speak on behalf of the people! - appeared and resolutely appeared, the third, unknown gentleman in green. - What are you talking about! I was left alone and alone! I will speak on behalf of the people, I promise and I confirm! - most sharply after these words, the gentleman in red entered the face of the gentleman in green. - If that is the case and you are the only one and you are alone and you promise and confirm ... I, please, withdraw - he said, he turned around like a gentleman in blue and he left. The gentleman in red wanted to confirm what he said. He went out to the square to speak to the people, but there was no one in the square. He we

Spontano Sagorevanje: "Početak Kraja" | Spontaneous Combustion: "The Beginning of the End" | Спонтано Сагореванје: "Почетак Краја" / Zbirka Kratkih Priča / кратка прича. kratka priča. short story. histoire courte.

SPONTANO SAGOREVANJE    "Početak Kraja"   Mislio sam da se putovanje dobro završilo.   Našao sam se u u sobi bez prozora i bez vrata. Ne znam kako sam uopšte ušao u tako zanimljivu i prijatnu sobu. Zagledao sam se u palmu koja je izvirivala iz poda sobe, ne neuredno, palmica je imala i lepu betonsku ogradicu. Bila je obasjana sjajnim floroscentno narandžastim svetlom. Veličanstvena palma sa kao krv crvenim listovima. Još bih uživao u ovom prizoru ali se   neko dete, koje je trčalo po sobi, ustremilo na mene i počelo je da me   vuče za pantalone, da me štipa, grize i skidalo mi je pertle sa nogu. Nisam se ljutio. Sagao sam se da se sredim ali me je dete udarilio nečim teškim po glavi. Posle ovoga je pukla puška sa ormara koja je napravila rupu u zidu. Ovo je bio početak kraja. Spontaneous Combustion:  "The Beginning of the End"  I thought the trip ended well. I found myself in a room with no windows and no doors. I don't know how I got into such an interesting