Epicentar: "Ne Ostavljaj Nežnost Za Kraj" Epicenter | Epicenter: "Don't Leave Tenderness for the End" | Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie
EPICENTER "Don't Leave Tenderness for the End" EPICENTAR "Ne Ostavljaj Nežnost Za Kraj" Tvoj tobogan... Svod koji se brzo vrti, Plavi, svetlo-zeleni, plastični hula-hop krugovi, Lastiš, odmereni i brzi pokreti. Mirna si... Gledaš dugo u prašnike cveta i krvavu boju latica, Slušaš galop moga srca, Kriješ dijamant u grudima, Shvataš raspeće kosmosa. - Vodim te u vodeni grad, Ne ostavljaj nežnost za kraj. EPICENTER "Don't Leave Tenderness for the End" Your toboggan ... A fast-spinning vault, Blue, light green, plastic hula-hoop circles, Elastic, measured, and fast movements. You are peaceful ... You look for a long time at the anthers of the flower and the bloody color of the petals, You listen to the heartbeat of my heart, You're hiding a diamond in your chest, You understand the crucifixion of the cosmos. - I'm taking you to a city of water, Don't leave tenderness for last. ⚓ ÉPICENTRE "Ne laissez pas la tendresse pour la fin...