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Приказују се постови за фебруар 5, 2022

Мисли О Мислима: "Сила Теже и Сила Светлости" 02 | Thoughts About Thoughts: "The Power of Aspiration and the Power of Light" / Poetska Teozofija, Poetic Theosophy, Philosophy, Filozofija,

  Thoughts About Thoughts:   "The Power of Aspiration and the Power of Light" 02 The word has lost the "weight" it once had. Today, words and sentences are collected, but for technological reasons. We are not talking about this now. The weight of a word and the word itself has weight and that weight is subject to the general gravitational force of aspiration. Opposites are also ruled by the force of gravity. Creative energy and entropy. High and low tide. Mercy. Mercy is an exception. Only mercy can affect the force of aspiration. What is mercy? Is mercy something supernatural? Yes, mercy is something supernatural. Only something supernatural can affect the force of aspiration. Is it superfluous to think of mercy and an attempt to comprehend the supernatural? Absolutely no. Just such a process is completely natural, Thoughts are in natural confrontation with the power of aspiration. The thought of mercy points to light. Light is, therefore, another force that makes ...