Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
Јoe Strummer (pravo ime John Graham Mellor 21. avgust 1952 - 22. decembar 2002) je bio britanski muzičar, pevač, gitarista, tekstopisac, glumac i frontmen bendova 101ers, The Clash i The Mescaleros, kao i privremeni član benda The Pogues. Muzičkim radom i društvenim aktivizmom izvršio je ogroman uticaj na pank i, uopšte, rok muziku. Umro je 2002. od srčanog udara.
Meskaleri su bili britanski prateći bend za britanskog pevača, muzičara i tekstopisca Džoa Stramera, osnovan 1999. godine, koji je izdao tri albuma pre Strumerove smrti 2002. godine.
Mnogi članovi benda bili su multiinstrumentalisti. Originalni sastav se sastojao od Strumera na vokalu i gitari; Antoni Genn na gitari; Skot Šilds na basu, gitari i bubnjevima; Martin Slatteri na klavijaturama, gitari, povremeno flauti i saksofonu; Pablo Kuk na udaraljkama; Steve "Smilei" Barnard na bubnjevima; i Ričarda Fleka na raznim instrumentima.
Sredinom do kasnih 1990-ih, Strummer je okupio vrhunske muzičare u prateći bend koji je nazvao Mescaleros. Strummer i bend potpisali su ugovor sa Mercuri Records i objavili svoj prvi album 1999. godine, koji je napisao zajedno sa Antonijem Gennom, pod nazivom Rock Art and the Ks-Rai Stile. Ubrzo je usledila turneja po Engleskoj, Evropi i Severnoj Americi.
Ovo je moje indijansko leto... "...Naučio sam da je slava iluzija i da je sve u vezi sa njom samo šala. Sada sam daleko opasniji, jer me uopšte nije briga..."
— Joe Strummer- Krisu Saleviču – 2000
Godine 2001. bend je potpisao ugovor sa kalifornijskom pank etiketom Hellcat Records i objavio svoj drugi studijski album Global a Go-Go. Album je podržan turnejom od 21 datuma po Severnoj Americi, Britaniji i Irskoj. Još jednom, na ovim koncertima je predstavljen Clash materijal („London's Burning”, „Rudie Can’t Fail”, „(Vhite Man) In Hammersmith Palais”), kao i obrade rege i ska hitova („The Harder Thei Come”, „A Message to Iou, Rudi“) i bend je redovno zatvarao nastup svirajući „Blitzkrieg Bop“ grupe Ramones. Obradio je pesmu Boba Marlija "Redemption Song" sa Džonijem Kešom.
Joe Strummer (real name John Graham Mellor 21 August 1952 – 22 December 2002) was a British musician, singer, guitarist, songwriter, actor, and frontman for the bands 101ers, The Clash, and The Mescaleros, as well as a temporary member of The Pogues. With his musical work and social activism, he greatly impacted punk and, in general, rock music. He died in 2002 of a heart attack.
The Mescalers were a British backing band for British singer, musician, and songwriter Joe Strummer, formed in 1999, who released three albums before Strummer died in 2002.
Many band members were multi-instrumentalists. The original lineup consisted of Strummer on vocals and guitar; Antoni Genn on guitar; Scott Shields on bass, guitar, and drums; Martin Slattery on keyboards, guitar, occasional flute, and saxophone; Pablo Kuk on percussion; Steve "Smiley" Barnard on drums; and Richard Fleck on various instruments.
In the mid-to-late 1990s, Strummer gathered top musicians into a backing band called the Mescaleros. Strummer and the band signed to Mercuri Records and released their first album in 1999, which he co-wrote with Antonio Genna, entitled Rock Art and the Ks-Rai Style. A tour of England, Europe, and North America soon followed.
This is my Indian summer... "...I've learned that fame is an illusion and everything about it is a joke. Now I'm far more dangerous because I don't care at all..."
— Joe Strummer- to Chris Salevich – 2000
In 2001, the band signed to California punk label Hellcat Records and released their second studio album, Global a Go-Go. The album was supported by a 21-date tour across North America, the UK and Ireland. Once again, these concerts featured Clash material ("London's Burning", "Rudie Can't Fail", "(White Man) In Hammersmith Palais"), as well as covers of reggae and ska hits ("The Harder They Come", "A Message to You, Rudi") and the band regularly closed the show by playing "Blitzkrieg Bop" by the Ramones. He covered Bob Marley's "Redemption Song" with Johnny Cash.