Spontano Sagorevanje: "UA!" | Spontaneous Combustion: "UA!" | Zbirka Kratkih Priča | Savremena Proza | A Collection of Short Stories
A man walks down the street, dressed appropriately, winter. He has a cap on his head. A black cap with "UA!" written on it in big white letters on the front.
We know what that means.
He is an oppositionist, although he himself does not know why. It's always on the other side. He is a "contrast", with or without reason. He is a rebel. He has an "opposite" attitude. He thinks differently. After all, he behaves differently. He is also different when we look at him from behind. Different body movements, different gait. He begins to be more different from the environment.
And here the outcome is clear.
People start to ignore him. They start to turn away from him.
In the end, he lowers his cap even deeper and withdraws into himself.
And the time?
Time as time, it takes place both externally and internally.
Our "hero" is already depressed. There are fewer and fewer people who spend their word in bars, and there is much more professional staff.
A man walks the same streets and remembers old memories. He continues to rebel and defy, within himself, he began to argue with his own thoughts.
Who knows what kind of end it could be?
Maybe something unexpected and unpredictable happens?
No, no, that's enough.
You can always come up with anything, but it is best to observe, learn and watch.
So that I will keep an eye on him, I don't think I will let him stay alone...