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Poljubac Žene Zmaja: Duh" | The Kiss of the Dragon Woman: "The Ghost" | Knjiga Poezije. Book of Poetry. Livre de poésie - poezija




Duh je rekao

Čoveče idi levo, ta ulica, baš ta...


Napolju zlokobni mrak

Štiti senkom ruke krvopije...


Sedo dete traži cigaretu

Lice mu je nalik na zgužvanu hartiju

Ono nema odraz u ogledalu...


U garaži je žena

Naišla na limeni pogled

Nikada ga nije zaboravila...


Prostor je maksimalno uzak

Užas koji je ne čovek

Smislio za čoveka...


Ovako u nedogled

U nedogled

Sve do pogleda na nešto lepše.

The Kiss of the Dragon Woman:

"The Ghost"


The ghost said

Man, go left, that street, just that...

Ominous darkness outside

Protects the bloodsucker's hand with a shadow...

A sitting child asks for a cigarette

His face is like crumpled paper

It has no reflection in the mirror...

In the garage, the woman saw a tin look

She never forgot him.

The space is maximally narrow

The horror he created, the anti-man

Designed for man.

Like this indefinitely


Until the sight of something more beautiful.


