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Epicentar: "Bermudski Trougao" | Epicenter "Bermuda Triangle" | Zbirka Poezije | A Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie



"Bermudski Trougao"

Putokazi su nestali

Nestali su i putevi...

Na sred ulice, u sred bela dana,

Čoveku je nestala odeća sa tela...

Počelo je da nestaje puno toga

Nestalo je nekoliko planina

Nekoliko velikih reka

I nestala je jedna udaljena planeta...

Nestalo je dosta vrsta i pod vrsta

Gmizavaca, biljaka, ptica, riba, raznoraznih, malih i velikih životnja...


Ipak najvažnija informacija je da se iz "Bermudskog Trougla", pojavila flota brodova i za njom eskadrila aviona.

Ja dodajem da se rodila jedna neobična beba...  


"Bermuda Triangle"

The road signs are gone

Roads have also disappeared...

In the middle of the street, in broad daylight,

The man's clothes disappeared from his body...

A lot of things started to disappear

Several mountains have disappeared

Several large rivers

And a distant planet disappeared...

Many species and subspecies have disappeared

Reptiles, plants, birds, fish, various small and large animals...


However, the most important information is that a fleet of ships appeared from the "Bermuda Triangle", followed by a squadron of planes.

I would like to add that an unusual baby was born...



Keywords: Epicentar: "Epicentar"   Oganj, Zbirka Poezije, Poetry Collection, Recueil de poésie, poezija poetry, poésie, White Cat, Chat Blanc, New Book,  Book of Poetry, Poetry, Poezija, Literature Posts, Književnost, Literatura, poetry lovers, poetry is not dead, poetry community,  Песничка збирка, поезија, Бела мачка, Нова књига, Књига поезије, Поезија, Поезија, Књижевни постови, Литература, љубитељи поезије, поезија није мртва, песничка заједница, Књижевност,
Collection de poésie, poésie, Chat blanc, Nouveau livre, Livre de poésie, Poésie, Poezija, Publications littéraires, Littérature, amateurs de poésie, la poésie n'est pas morte, communauté de la poésie, EPICENTAR: "Efekat Leptira" | EPICENTER:  The Butterfly Effect |  ÉPICENTRE  « L'effet papillon » EPICENTAR: "Долазе Ајкуле" | EPICENTER: "The Sharks Are Coming" |  ÉPICENTRE  "Les requins arrivent"EX EX : Sila EX EX - Resultat på mål EX EX - Исход на цел EX EX - Результат в цель Эпицентр «Зима близко» L'epicentro di "L'inverno sta arrivando" L'épicentre de "Winter is Coming" የ"ክረምት እየመጣ ነው" ዋና ከተማ  The epicenter of "Winter is Coming" Epicentar:  "Bermudski Trougao"  |  Epicenter  "Bermuda Triangle"
