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Poljubac Žene Zmaja: "Bez Kočnica" | Kiss Of The Dragon Woman: "No Brakes" | Le Baiser de la Femme Dragon : "Sans Frein" | poetry | poezija | poésie


Poljubac Žene Zmaja:  

The Kiss Of The Dragon Woman: 

Le Baiser de la Femme Dragon : 

Boško Mandić: Poetika Zmaja


            Poetski izraz ( ili pesma ) ne proističe iz skupa povezanih reči, već iz posvećene dubine autora čije samo prisustvo biva deo utkanih rečenica. Jer, reč dolazi iz kosmosa, a rečenice iz ljudi. Pesnik nije samo posrednik, on je i gnjurač u sopstvenu dušu u kojoj pronalazi slike, reči, prazninu, fluide i melodioznost ritma... Tako nastaje poezija. Nemost da je izrazimo, u stvari, je naš najveći saveznik. No, mi ipak pokušavamo i cedimo iz sebe zapuštene delove lepote. Prva zbirka pesama nije naznaka teškoće, nego uput da nastavimo sa dubljenjem sopstvenog bunara u kome pronalazimo eho smisla života.

Zbirka pesama Poljubac Žene Zmaja ukazuje na sled spontanih bljeskova koji jednovido i jasnovido postavljaju pitanja o ličnom prisustvu u ovom svetu. Sam pesnik, poput Hesea, pita se: zašto je to tako teško? A, ako je već tako teško, postavimo ovo pitanje odmah.

U vremenu i trenutku u kome iskrice žudnje ostaju bez odgovora, ali ne i same. One lutaju i svetle po tami zadate egzistencije. Zbog toga autor Sava Gor naslućuje da žena ima krila i da on sam mora smoći snage da poleti ka istinskoj stvarnosti. Tamo, gde zatičemo slike lude zemlje kojom putujemo, glavu koja se okreće na sve strane i kaže – Jedni bez drugih ne možemo. Moramo iznajmiti snove i dozvoliti da kroz tamne ruke propuštamo sveopšte veselje, jer je u dubini okeana tajna strašna, ali i stvaralačka. Naravno ovakve vizije ugovor su izmedju autora i pesničkog dela, izmedju muškarca i žene, toplog i hladnog. Prepravljanje sveta, ovako bezdušnog, mora započeti u nama samima uz sugestiju da rascep preokrenemo ka spajanju.


Pesme iz ove zbirke odišu toplinom iskrenog iskaza. U pitanju je prvi, u stvari najneviniji, pogled koji iz imanentnog glasa javlja da je nužno  tamu pretvoriti u svetlost. Zmaj i andjeli kruže po autorovim morama pristižući do kraja koji nema kraj. Ove pesme ne koketiraju sa već postojećim modelima i solucijama, već veruju u sopstvene detalje. Očito je: pesnik veruje sebi!

On ilustruje nadu i želi da je podeli sa drugima, jer pesma koja ne zna da komunicira vrlo brzo presahne u zamračenju neiskazanih namera. Tada započinje zarobljavanje prostora lažnim identitetom – kaže pesnik – što poetskim slikama treba ispraviti. Ali korekcija nije namet i ropska obaveza, nego predanost muzama koje kroje tačnu sudbinu pesništva satkanu od rafiniranosti i vremena.

Pesništvo, kao i u slučaju ovog pesnika, kazuje da spasa ima. Ne moramo ga čak ni pronaći, dovoljno je da započnemo putovanje ka njemu.

Recenzija: Boško Mandić

"Bez Kočnica"

Mama će noćas spavati sama

Poštar neće više pozvoniti nikada

Lopovi i dalje sanjaju o sreći

Podmlađene babe lutaju i dan i noć

Veštci i veštice imaju svoje trenutke

Najmlađi pokušavaju da prežive...


Haotično se i brzo kreće vladar

Bespomoćno se sapliće mesečar...


Vreme mi teče, dah mi se gubi...

The Kiss Of The Dragon Woman: 

Le Baiser de la Femme Dragon : 

Author's translation EN & FR:

The poetic expression (or poem) does not derive from a set of connected words, but from the author's dedicated depth, whose very presence becomes part of the woven sentences. Because the word comes from the cosmos and the sentences from people. The poet is not only a mediator, he is also an immersion in his own soul in which he finds images, words, emptiness, fluids, and the melody of rhythm ... This is how poetry is created. The inability to express it, in fact, is our biggest ally. But we still try and squeeze out the neglected parts of beauty. The first collection of songs is not an indication of difficulty, but an instruction to continue digging our own well in which we find the echo of the meaning of life.

The collection of poems The Kiss of the Dragon Woman points to a sequence of spontaneous flashes that single-handedly and clairvoyantly ask questions about personal presence in this world. The poet himself, like Hesse, wonders: why is it so difficult? And, if it's already that hard, let's ask this question right away.

At a time and moment when the sparks of longing remain unanswered, but not alone. They wander and glow in the darkness of the given existence. That is why the author Sebastian Sava Gore senses that a woman has wings and that he himself must find the strength to fly towards the true reality. Where we find images of the crazy land we travel through, a head that turns in all directions and says - We can't do without each other. We must rent dreams and allow ourselves to miss the general joy through dark hands, because in the ocean's depths, the secret is terrible, but also creative. Of course, such visions are a contract between the author and the poetic work, between a man and a woman, hot and cold. The reshaping of the world, so soulless, must begin in ourselves with the suggestion to turn the rift towards reunion. 

The songs from this collection exude the warmth of sincere expression. It is the first, in fact, the most innocent, look that emerges from the immanent voice that it is necessary to turn darkness into light. The dragon and the angels are circling the author's seas, arriving at an end that has no end. These songs do not flirt with existing models and solutions but believe in their own details. The obvious is: that the poet believes in himself!

He illustrates hope and wants to share it with others because a song that does not know how to communicate dries up very quickly in the darkening of unspoken intentions. Then the capture of space with a false identity begins - says the poet - which needs to be corrected with poetic images. But the correction is not an imposition and a slavish obligation, but a devotion to the muses who shape the same destiny of poetry woven from refinement and time.

Poetry, as in the case of this poet, says there is salvation. We don't even have to find him, it's enough to start the journey to him.

Review: Boško Mandić


"No Brakes"

Mom will sleep alone tonight

The postman will never ring again

Thieves still dream of happiness

Rejuvenated grandmothers roam day and night

Wizards and witches have their moments

The youngest is trying to survive.

The ruler is moving chaotically and quickly

Helplessly the sleepwalker stumbles.

My time is running out, I'm losing my breath...


"Sans Frein"

Maman dormira seule ce soir

Le facteur ne sonnera plus jamais

Les voleurs rêvent encore de bonheur

Des grands-mères rajeunies errent jour et nuit

Sorcières et sorciers ont leurs moments

Les plus jeunes tentent de survivre...

La règle se déplace de manière chaotique et rapide

Le somnambule trébuche, impuissant...

Je manque de temps, je manque de souffle...

Ex Ex: "Bez Kočnica" "No Brakes"  "Sans Frein"


Keywords: Poljubac Žene Zmaja, knjiga, poezija, , sebastian sava gor. poezija koja diše, čitaj poeziju, smiri se poezijom, poezija koja se čita, Zbirka Poezije, Jadranka Bunuševac,  Sava Gor, Recenzent: Boško Mandić, lustracija na koricama: Irena Bijelić Gorenjak, Urednik i korektura: Jadranka Bunuševac Izdavač: Zoran Damnjanović i sinovi, Beograd 2007, Kiss Of The Dragon Woman, Poetry, Poezija, poetry lovers, poetry is not dead, poetry twitter, Book, Poetry Collection, Literatura, Literature, Literature Posts, Književnost, Knjiga Poezije, poezija, poetry, poésie, поэзия, poesie,   čitaj poeziju, pesme, un livre, poésie, collection of poetry. un recueil de poésie, Kiss of the Dragon Woman, book, poetry,, sebastian sava gor. poetry that breathes, read poetry, calm down with poetry, poetry that is read, Poetry Collection, Jadranka Bunuševac, Sava Gor, Reviewer: Boško Mandić, lustration on the cover: Irena Bijelić Gorenjak, Editor and proofreader: Jadranka Bunuševac Publisher: Zoran Damnjanović and Sons , Beograd 2007, Kiss Of The Dragon Woman, Poetry, Poezija, poetry lovers, poetry is not dead, poetry twitter, Book, Poetry Collection, Literatura, Literature, Literature Posts, Književnost, Knjiga Poezije, poezija, poetry, poésie, poezija, poetry, read poetry, poems, a book, poetry, collection of poetry. a poetry collection, Пољубац Жене Змаја, књига, поезија,, себастиан Сава гор. поезија која дише, читај поезију, смири се поезијом, поезија која се чита, Збирка Поезије, Јадранка Бунушевац, Сава Гор, Рецензент: Бошко Мандић,  Ирена Бијелић Горењак, Уредник и коректура: Јадранка Бунушевац Издавач: Зоран Дамњановић и синови , Београд 2007, Пољубац жене змаја, Поезија, Поезија, љубитељи поезије, поезија није мртва, поезија твитер, Књига, Песничка збирка, Литература, Књижевност, Књижевни постови, Књижевност, Књига Поезије, поезија, читај поезију, песме,  збирка поезијеDovoljna Je Jedna Reč, Poljubac Žene Zmaja:  "Maska Od Ličnosti"  07
