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Best Albums Ever: New Orleans Funk The Original Sound of Funk 1960-75 - Funk

New Orleans Funk 
The Original Sound of Funk 

2. The Explosions – Hip Drop
3. Lee Dorsey – Who's Gonna Help Brother Get Further
4. Gentleman June Gardner – It's Gonna Rain
5. Eddie Bo – Check Your Bucket
6. Professor Longhair – Big Chief
7. Huey "Piano" Smith & His Clowns – Free, Single And Disengaged
8. Chuck Carbo – Can I Be Your Squeeze
9. Aaron Neville – Hercules
10. Mary Jane Hooper – I've Got Reasons
11. The Gaturs – Gator Bait
12. Allen Toussaint – Get Out Of My Life Woman
13. Cyril Neville – Tell Me What's On Your Mind
14. Bo Dollis & The Wild Magnolia Mardi Gras Indian Band – Handa Wanda
15. Lee Dorsey & Betty Harris – Love Lots Of Lovin
16. The Explosions – Garden Of Four Trees
17. Ernie & The Top Notes – Dap Walk
18. The Meters – Just Kissed My Baby
19. Marilyn Barbarin – Reborn
20. Dr. John – Mama Roux
21. Danny White – Natural Soul Brother
22. Eddie Bo – Hook 'N' Sling, Pt. 2
23. Ernie K. Doe – Here Come The GirlsMP3 £0.99
24. Robert Parker – Hip-Huggin
25. The Meters – Handclapping Song
Album features Ernie K Doe’s ‘Here Come The Girls’, The Meters, Eddie Bo, Professor Longhair, Lee Dorsey, Wild Magnolias and more.

This is the definitive collection of New Orleans Funk featuring acknowledged masters next to some of the earlier artists who shaped the meaning of funk. The album is also filled with many rare, sought after and undiscovered funk tracks. It covers the period from the emergence of New Orleans Funk in the early 1960's through to the mid-seventies.

The record is an essential part of anyone in any way interested in Funk's record collection. It has some vital ingredients in it that you can't find elsewhere. With the sound of the New Orleans Funeral March Bands, Mardi Gras Indian Tribes and Saturday Night Fish Fries all as inspiration New Orleans Funk developed into a unique sound. 

New Orleans is a port town. Originally owned by the French, this was where many slaves were brought from the West Indies. Many of these slaves came from Haiti and brought with them the religion of Voodoo and its drums and music. It became one of the first parts of America to develop a strong African-American culture leading to the invention of Jazz in the early 1900s. 

A main feature of Jazz in New Orleans were the Jazz Funeral Marching bands. Solemn Brass bands accompanying a coffin would, on burial, be joined by a second line of drummers and dancers which would turn the event into a celebration of the spirit cutting free from earth. This African tradition is strong in New Orleans and still goes on to this day. The backline drums play a syncopated style that is neither on the beat nor the off-beat. It is these rhythms that are the basis of New Orleans Funk. 

The album comes with a booklet presenting a historical explanation to how and why this music came about, and with lots of information about the people involved.

"A Perfect Primer For Funk Fans" Q (Top 5 albums of the year)
"Probably the finest compilation that Soul Jazz has released. Essential" Time Out


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