Frederik Fransoa Šopen (pravo ime Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin), (1. marta 1810, Želazova Vola, Poljska - 17. oktobra 1849, Pariz, Francuska), je bio poljski kompozitor i pijanista
Najistaknutiji predstavnik poljske muzičke kulture i jedan od najznačajnijih pijanista i kompozitora svih vremena. U svojoj dvadesetoj godini Frederik Šopen se seli u Pariz sa ciljem da se usavrši. Do tada je već komponovao svoja dva klavirska koncerta. Nikad se više nije vraćao u Poljsku.
Frédéric Chopin wrote 21 nocturnes for solo piano between 1827 and 1846. They are generally considered among the finest short solo works for the instrument and hold an important place in contemporary concert repertoire. Although Chopin did not invent the nocturne, he popularized and expanded on it, building on the form developed by Irish composer John Field.
Chopin's nocturnes numbered 1 to 18 were published during his lifetime, in twos or threes, in the order of composition. However, numbers 19 and 20 were actually written first, prior to Chopin's departure from Poland, but published posthumously. Number 21 was not originally entitled "nocturne" at all, but since its publication in 1938 as such, it is generally included with publications and recordings of the set.