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The Movie, Lesson About Life - 38 Andrei Tarkovsky: Solaris drama - sc-fi


Solaris (Russian: Солярис, tr. Solyaris) is a 1972 Soviet science fiction art film based on Stanisław Lem's 1961 novel of the same name. The film was co-written and directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, and stars Donatas Banionis and Natalya Bondarchuk. The electronic music score was performed by Eduard Artemyev; a composition by J.S. Bach is also employed.

The plot centers on a space station orbiting the fictional planet Solaris, where a scientific mission has stalled because the skeleton crew of three scientists have fallen into emotional crises. Psychologist Kris Kelvin (Banionis) travels to the station in order to evaluate the situation, only to encounter the same mysterious phenomena as the others. The film was Tarkovsky's attempt to bring a new emotional depth to science fiction films; he viewed most western works in the genre as shallow due to their focus on technological invention.

Solaris won the Grand Prix Spécial du Jury at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for the Palme d'Or. It received generally positive reviews from critics. It is often cited as one of the greatest science fiction films in the history of cinema.[7][8] Some of the ideas Tarkovsky expresses in this film are further developed in his film Stalker (1979).

Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky

Written bFridrikh Gorenshtein, Andrei Tarkovsky

Based on Solaris by Stanisław Lem

Produced by Vyacheslav Tarasov


Donatas Banionis
Natalya Bondarchuk
Jüri Järvet
Vladislav Dvorzhetsky
Nikolai Grinko
Anatoly Solonitsyn
Cinematography: Vadim Yusov
Edited by Lyudmila Feiginova
Music by Eduard Artemyev

Production company Mosfilm
Release date
February 5, 1972 (Moscow)
May 13, 1972 (Cannes)
Running time 166 minutes
Country: EX Soviet Union
Languages: Russian, German

Ground control has been receiving mysterious transmissions from the three remaining residents of the Solaris space station. When cosmonaut and psychologist Kris Kelvin is dispatched to investigate, he experiences the same strange phenomena that afflict the Solaris crew, sending him on a voyage into the darkest recesses of his consciousness. With Solaris, the legendary Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky created a brilliantly original science-fiction epic that challenges our conceptions about love, truth, and humanity itself.

Psychologist Kris Kelvin is being sent on an interstellar journey to evaluate whether a decades-old space station, positioned over the oceanic planet Solaris, should continue to study it. He spends his last day on Earth with his elderly father and retired pilot Burton. Years earlier Burton had been part of an exploratory team at Solaris but was recalled when he described strange happenings, including seeing a four-meter-tall child on the surface of the water on the planet. These were dismissed as hallucinations by a panel of scientists and military, but now that the remaining crew members are making similarly strange reports, Kris's skills are needed.


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