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Best Albums Ever ::: Darkwood Dub: "Paramparčad" (1994) - alternative rock

Darkwood Dub was an alternative rock band from Belgrade, Serbia, which, formed in 1988, gradually grew to prominence on the Serbian rock scene. Their music is characterized by gentle bass lines, a mixture of live drumming and electronic percussion, along with frequent use of slide guitar, synthesizers and samplers. The succinct and introspective lyrics are also a prominent feature, sung with offbeat vocals of Dejan Vučetić. Apart from 7 official albums, the band participated in several joint projects, composed scores for several films and theatre plays. They also showed a political streak by participating in many pro-democracy projects. In 2009, the band was nominated for the Best Regional Act at the MTV European Awards. Towards the end of their existence, Darkwood Dub were one of the top bands of the Serbian rock scene, and for the 10 years preceding their break-up, they toured regularly throughout former Yugoslav countries, Austria, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.


The embryo of Darkwood Dub was formed in Belgrade way back in 1988. The band began experimenting with mixing reggae grooves, distorted guitars and prophetic yet emotional lyrics, their stage set from early years even included a freaked-out version of Strawberry Fields Forever. By the time of release of their debut album. Paramparcad (1994), D.Dub were by far the most popular underground band in Belgrade, playing packed gigs to a fanatic fan-base of up to 1000 people, despite minimum airplay on Belgrade radio stations and almost deliberately kept low-profile in media. Darkwood Dub's second release U nedogled (Radio B92, 1996) saw further development of band's capacity for combining diverse musical structures into a powerful blend, and was almost unanimously voted the best album of 1996 by Yugoslav music press. Notorious for rarely playing outside their hometown (due to technical demands, more ambitious and unusual for local standards), the band even embarked on a mini-tour of Serbia and received ecstatic response from local audiences. In 1997 the group was approached to provide music for Trainspotting, a theatre production of Belgrade's BITEF Teatar. If the music of Primal Scream and Underworld was an ideal soundtrack for the famed British film, Darkwood Dub were the only appropriate choice for Belgrade version of Irvine Welsh's play. Music for Trainspotting featured several tracks which had already been standards in their live sets in late ‘96/early ‘97. DD's new ventures included further explorations of rhythmical patterns and sound textures, as well as remixes by several young Belgrade producers.
The group’s next, ‘proper’ album has been eagerly expected throughout 1998, then delayed by NATO’s air strikes, Kosovo war and government takeover of Radio B92 – Darkwood Dub’s discographic home - in the spring of 1999, to be finally released in September 1999 to undivided praise of both fans and media. Indeed, on their fourth album, the band added a new dimension to their creative world. It’s a stimulating mix of dance music influences and alternative rock with the occasional touch of dub and afro. The milestone album of 1999, Elektropionir (named after once popular science toy-kit) is the vehicle that has thrust Belgrade's alternative favourites into the mainstream.
The expectations were very high, both from the theorists and critics from one side, and the public and the fans from another, concerning their latest, recently released project, album Life Begins At 30. Being voted as the best YU album of 2002, and reaching sales figures more than expected, a Life Begins At 30 tour was the most successful ever, presenting Darkwood Dub live at Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Poland, Austria, as well as at more than 30 cities around Yugoslavia.

Darkwood Dub broke up in March 2016.

Dejan Vučetić Vuča - vocals (1988-2016)
Vasil Hadžimanov - keyboards
Milorad Ristić Miki (ex Prizori Sa Venčanja) - bass (1988-2016)
Bojan Drobac Bambi (ex Vudu) - guitar (1990-2016)
Lav Bratuša (ex Fake Madonna's Underwear) - drums (1992-2016)

Vladimir Jerić Vlidi - guitar
Lunogled - drums (1988-1990)
Vuk - guitar (left in 1990)


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