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P.J HARVEY: "Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea" / Best Albums Ever / Alternative Rock

"Polly Jean Harvey MBE (born 9 October 1969) is an English singer, songwriter, and musician. Primarily known as a vocalist and guitarist, she is also proficient with a wide range of instruments. Harvey began her career in 1988 when she joined local band Automatic Dlamini as a vocalist, guitarist, and saxophonist. The band's frontman, John Parish, became her long-term collaborator. In 1991, she formed an eponymous trio called PJ Harvey and subsequently began her career as PJ Harvey. The trio released two studio albums called Dry (1992) and Rid of Me (1993) before disbanding, after which Harvey continued as a solo artist. Since 1995, she has released a further nine studio albums with collaborations from various musicians including Parish, former bandmate Rob Ellis, Mick Harvey, and Eric Drew Feldman, and has also worked extensively with record producer Flood. Among the accolades Harvey has received are both the 2001 and 2011 Mercury Prize for Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea (2000) and Let England Shake (2011), respectively, making her the only artist to have been awarded the prize twice. She has also garnered eight Brit Award nominations, seven Grammy Award nominations and two further Mercury Prize nominations. Rolling Stone awarded her three accolades: 1992's Best New Artist and Best Singer Songwriter, and 1995's Artist of the Year. Rolling Stone also listed Rid of Me, To Bring You My Love, and Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea on its list of their 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. In 2011, she was awarded for Outstanding Contribution To Music at the NME Awards. In June 2013, she was awarded an MBE for services to music...

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
℗ An Island Records recording; ℗ 2000 Universal Music Operations Ltd.
Released on: 2000-01-01
Producer, Associated  Performer, Vocals, Piano: PJ Harvey
Producer, Associated  Performer, Bass  Guitar, Organ, Background  Vocalist: Mick Harvey
Producer, Associated  Performer, Drums, Piano, Background  Vocalist, Keyboards: Robert Ellis
Studio  Personnel, Mixer, Engineer: Head
Composer  Lyricist: Polly Jean Harvey
Auto-generated by YouTube.

"I know it’s impolite to put it this way, but sometimes getting laid can really be good for a person. On the recorded evidence — with no claim to any lowdown on Polly Jean Harvey’s actual private life, a mystery as closely guarded as the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein and the formula for Coke — that’s the secret of PJ Harvey’s Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea, which even she allows is the happiest-sounding album she’s ever made. What she daren’t suggest is that it may also be the best....


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