"Another Round (Danish: Druk, "binge drinking") is a 2020 comedy-drama film directed by Thomas Vinterberg, from a screenplay by Vinterberg and Tobias Lindholm. An international co-production between Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden, the film stars Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Magnus Millang, and Lars Ranthe. The film had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on 12 September 2020, and was released in Denmark on 24 September 2020 by Nordisk Film. At the 93rd Academy Awards, the film won for Best International Feature Film and was also nominated for Best Director. It also won BAFTA Award for Best Film Not in the English Language and European Film Award for Best Film, and was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
"Druk je novi film danskog autora Tomasa Vinterberga koji je napoznatiji po radovima Festen i Jagten. Pre nekoliko dana ovaj film je bio apsolutni pobednik na dodeli Evropskih filmskih nagrada kada je odneo pobede u kategorijama najbolji film, režija, scenario i glavni glumac. Vinterberg je na filmu radio sa svojom ćerkom Anikom, koja je nažalost stradala u saobraćajnoj nesreći četvrtog dana snimanja, a pojedine scene su snimljene u njenoj školi sa drugarima iz razreda.
Radnja filma prati četvoricu sredovečnih srednjoškolskih profesora Martina (Mads Mikkelsen), Tomija (Thomas Bo Larsen), Petera (Lars Ranthe) i Nikolaja (Magnus Millang) koji se bore sa nemotivisanim đacima i osećajem da su im životi postali dosadni. Na proslavi Nikolajevog 40. rođendana počinju razgovor o psihijatru Finu Skarderudu koji ima teoriju da je čovek rođen sa 0,5 promila alkohola u krvi manje nego što je potrebno jer nas upravo ta količina čini kreativnijim i opuštenijim. Odlučuju se da testiraju njegovu teoriju sa dva osnovna pravila – da ne prelaze 0,5 promila i da ne piju posle 20 sati…
There is a theory that man is born with half a per mille too little. That alcohol in the blood opens the mind to the outside world, problems seem smaller and creativity increases. We know it well; after the first glass of wine, the conversation lifts, the possibilities open up. Martin is a high school teacher. He feels old and tired. His students and their parents want him terminated to increase their average. Encouraged by the per mille theory, Martin and his three colleagues throw themselves into an experiment to maintain a constant alcohol impact in everyday life. If Churchill won World War II in a dense fog of spirits, what could the strong drops do for them and their students? The result is positive in the beginning. Martin's class is in a different way now, and the project is being promoted to a real academic study with the collection of results. Slowly, but surely, the alcohol makes the four friends and their surroundings loosen up. The results are rising, and they really begin... Written by Kenneth Kjær
Another Round
1 h 56 min
Four friends, all teachers at various stages of middle age, are stuck in a rut. Unable to share their passions either at school or at home, they embark on an audacious experiment from an obscure philosopher: to see if a constant level of alcohol in their blood will help them find greater freedom and happiness.
Directors: Thomas Vinterberg
Starring: Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Magnus Millang
Genres: Comedy, Arthouse, Drama
Subtitles English [CC]
Audio languages: Dansk