"After his success in the world of skateboarding, Guerrero decided to pursue his musical interests and was a member of the skate rock band Free Beer and the instrumental post-rock group Jet Black Crayon. Guerrero's music touches on multiple genres, including rock, hip hop, funk, soul, and jazz. The skateboarding video game Skate has featured numerous unreleased compositions that were written and recorded by Guerrero.[citation needed] One of Guerrero's songs, "Organism", was featured in the 2005 video game Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine named Guerrero's third studio album, Soul Food Taqueria (2003), #2 on its 2003 "Best of" list. At the 2013 15th Annual Transworld SKATEboarding Awards, Guerrero was the recipient of the "Legend" award—on the red carpet preceding the awards event, Guerrero stated: "I'm super grateful, that anyone really cares, to be honest. Um ... conflicted; I'm not one to rest on my laurels and it's hard to accept accolades for something you did thirty years ago, you know? I'd rather be appreciated for what I do now, but I ... I ... I'm super grateful ... I can't believe it [street skateboarding in the 21st century]. I mean the technical aspect, and the consistency, combined with that, is mind-blowing ... but just where it's at now, is, is insane; I mean, what Rodney [Mullen] sort of started, with the technical aspect, to a whole another level, you know? Making it extremely gnarly, extremely technical ... I'd hate to be growing up skating now ...Tommy Guerrero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spontano Sagorevanje: Kosta na crti ::: Spontaneous Combustion: Kosta On The Line / kratka priča. кратка прича. short story. histoire courte. књижевност. литература. literature. book. knjiga. literatura.
Kosta je stajao na tankoj crti, floroscentno plave boje... Osećao je da isijava sopstvenom unutrašnjom svetlošću i da ima razloga što stoji na crti, koju je između ostalog, da spomenemo, sam stvorio. Oko Koste i crte nema ničega. Kosta je u mraku i njemu je to bilo dovoljno. Taj mrak je bio njegov, on je zamislio takav mrak... Kosta je poželeo da se pored njega, u mraku, pojavi božanstvena, prelepa boginja-muza, koja će ga napojiti svojim inspirativnim darovima. Muza se pojavila i bila je slepa. Znao je da će biti slepa, to je i želeo. Stajala je kao kip, kao živi slepi mit. Uživao je. Napajao se „božanstvenom“ energijom svoje boginje. Disao je duboko i teško, osetio je da mu se disanje usporava i da srce počinje jako da mu udara. Uplašio se... Boginja je ostala nema i sjajno slepa. Njeno slepilo je isijavalo snažnu, belu, svetlost koju Kosta sada više nije mogao da podnese. Želeo je nazada u svoj mrak. Ništa više, samo nazad u svoj mrak. Sve je nestalo... Ostao je mrak i florosce...