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Best Albums Ever: Art Blakey And The Jazz Messengers: "Moanin" . Jazz. Hard Bop

Moanin' Moanin' (originally titled Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers) is a jazz album by Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers recorded in 1958 for the Blue Note label and released in 1959. This was Blakey's first album for Blue Note in several years, after a period of recording for a number of different labels, and marked both a homecoming and a fresh start. Originally the LP was self-titled, but the instant popularity of the bluesy opening track "Moanin'" (by pianist Bobby Timmons) led to its becoming known by that title. #Jazz #HardBop ART BLAKEY & THE JAZZ MESSENGERS "MOANIN Moanin - Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers -  Amazon.com *** Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers - Moanin -  Discogs

Epicentar: Šta čekate? / Epicenter: What are you waiting for? - poezija. poetry.

  Šta čekate?   Mislite o zagradi sopstvenog samoopredeljenja I raspetog izbora Poplavljeni ste strahom Niste sigurni zašto ga toliko dugo nosite i hranite...   Okrenuli ste leđa Istini Gurnuli ste glave da vidite šta je dno I glave  su same sletlale sa vaših ramena U mrak Kroz splin i dim Kao na predstavi o “Bludnom Sinu” Kao istrgnuti iz nečijeg sna Ne na svojoj javi Najednom i bez hleba i bez vode Šta čekate? What are you waiting for?   Think about the bracket of your own self-determination and crucified choice You are flooded with fear Not sure why you've been carrying and feeding him for so long... You have turned your back on the Truth You poked your heads in to see what was the bottom And the heads fell off your shoulders by themselves Into the dark Through the smoke As in the play "Prodigal Son" Like being torn from someone's dream Not on your own java Suddenly without bread and without water What are you waiting for? EX E...

Epicentar: Ličnost | EPICENTER: "Personality" | poezija. poetry.

  EPICENTAR: "Ličnost"   Gorući problem i bezuspešna operacija Kit u u skoku, sa molebanom za mir Sadašnje Vreme Svi stanovnici planete Sva lica i naličija 103 dimenzije I jedna  jedina, neponovljiva ličnost. EPICENTER: "Personality" A burning problem and a failed operation A whale in leaping, with a plea for peace Present All the inhabitants of the planet All faces and reverses 103 dimensions And one, unique, unrepeatable personality. EX EX - Sila

Knjiga: Noć Slomljenih Strela - Čovek Koji Je Čekao Sledeći Dan | Dobra Knjiga | Savremena Proza. Književnost. Contemporary Prose. Prose Contemporaine

  Dragoljub Miodragović, četrtdesetogodišnji poštar, se tog jutra probudio zaprepašćen činjenicom da je kao klada udario o parket telom. Drugim rečima opisano Dragoljub je ispao iz sopstvenog kreveta. Sa bolom u desnoj podlaktici , na koju je pao on besno, nekako tupo i ošamućeno pogleda oko sebe. Zagleda se u prašnjave i smrdljuckave čarape koje su stajale njemu ispred nosa. On poskoči sa poda veoma brzo i spretno kao željom da momentalno zaboravi šta mu se dogodilo. Požurio je da se obuče. Šutnuvši čarape koje završiše u ćošku  on  stade nasred sobe kao ukopan . " Desi se svima ...", pomisli bodreći sebe. Osvrnu se oko sebe, naokolo, vide komodicu, na njoj sat, lekove. Koliko je sati ? Shvatio je da mora jako da požuri. On dohvati crni, kožni, muški novčanik i ključeve sa priveskom na kome je visilo sidro.   "Mislim da sam sanjao nešto nemirno ...” -  pomisli  i krenu polako ka kupatilu. Pognute proćelave glave uhvati se kvaku kupatilskih vrata , povuče v...

Best Albums Ever: If These Trees Could Talk : "The Bones of a Dying World" / post-rock

If These Trees Could Talk | Spotify If These Trees Could Talk is an instrumental post-rock band from Akron, Ohio. The band self-released their self-titled debut EP in 2006. Independent record label The Mylene Sheath re-released the EP on vinyl in 2007 and released the band's debut studio album, Above the Earth, Below the Sky, on vinyl in 2009. The band self-released their second album, Red Forest, in March 2012, while the album's vinyl release went through Science of Silence Records. They went on to follow up the release of "Red Forest" with a self-promoted tour throughout Europe in April 2012. The band released its third album, The Bones of a Dying World, in June 2016 on Metal Blade Records. The Bones of a Dying World The Bones of a Dying World is the third studio album by American post-rock band If These Trees Could Talk. It was released on June 3, 2016 through Metal Blade Records. The album was produced by drummer Zack Kelly. The album was announced in late April 2...

Epicentar: "Tvoje Ruke" / Epicenter: "Your Hends" / poezija. poetry. književnost. literatura

  Tvoje Ruke     U praznu šupljinu zavukao sam sav svoj bes Odložio sam staru, mračnu odoru i magijski štap Ostao mi za trenutak još crni šešir koji je brzo oduvao vetar…   Izgonio sam sve robove iz sebe Da ih oslobodim Toliko su vezani za mene da ne žele biti slobodni…   Putovao sam kroz tunele I svetleo sam u tami Sada padam u tvoje ruke…. Your Hands Into the empty cavity, I drew all my anger I put away the old, dark robe and magic wand For a moment, I still had a black hat that was quickly blown away by the wind... I cast all the slaves out of me To set them free They are so attached to me that they don't want to be free... I traveled through the tunnels And I shone in the darkness Now I fall into your hands…. EX EX - ISHOD NA NIŠANU Dobra Knjiga Predstavlja: ISHOD NA NIŠANU „...da je na Zemlji sve racionalno, ništa se ne bi ni događalo...“ - Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski Objektivna neracionalizacija je postala opšta pojava i u tom s...