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Epicentar: "Ne Ostavljaj Nežnost Za Kraj" Epicenter | Epicenter: "Don't Leave Tenderness for the End" | Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie

  EPICENTER "Don't Leave Tenderness for the End"  EPICENTAR "Ne Ostavljaj Nežnost Za Kraj"   Tvoj tobogan... Svod koji se brzo vrti, Plavi, svetlo-zeleni, plastični hula-hop krugovi, Lastiš, odmereni i brzi pokreti. Mirna si... Gledaš dugo u prašnike cveta i krvavu boju latica, Slušaš galop moga srca, Kriješ dijamant u grudima, Shvataš raspeće kosmosa. - Vodim te u vodeni grad, Ne ostavljaj nežnost za kraj. EPICENTER "Don't Leave Tenderness for the End"  Your toboggan ... A fast-spinning vault, Blue, light green, plastic hula-hoop circles, Elastic, measured, and fast movements. You are peaceful ... You look for a long time at the anthers of the flower and the bloody color of the petals, You listen to the heartbeat of my heart, You're hiding a diamond in your chest, You understand the crucifixion of the cosmos. - I'm taking you to a city of water, Don't leave tenderness for last. ⚓ ÉPICENTRE "Ne laissez pas la tendresse pour la fin...

Black & White Masters Of Photography: Helmut Newton 01 | Photography * explicit content

Masters Of Photography: Helmut Newton 01 I'm warning. It's about explicit content! Helmut Newton (born Helmut Neustädter; 31 October 1920 – 23 January 2004) was a German-Australian photographer. The New York Times described him as a "prolific, widely imitated fashion photographer whose provocative, erotically charged black-and-white photos were a mainstay of Vogue and other publications. Newton was born in Berlin, the son of Klara "Claire" (née Marquis) and Max Neustädter, a button factory owner. His family was Jewish. Newton attended the Heinrich-von-Treitschke-Realgymnasium and the American School in Berlin. Interested in photography from the age of 12 when he purchased his first camera, he worked for the German photographer Yva (Elsie Neuländer Simon) from 1936. The increasingly oppressive restrictions placed on Jews by the Nuremberg laws meant that his father lost control of the factory in which he manufactured buttons and buckles; he was briefly interned in ...

Best Albums: Unplugged - Alice In Chains / Acoustic rock, Alternative rock, Grunge (1996)

Alice In Chains Unplugged 1996 Unplugged is a live album and DVD by the American rock band Alice in Chains, released on July 30, 1996 by Columbia Records. It was recorded on April 10, 1996 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music's Majestic Theatre for the television series MTV Unplugged. The show was directed by Joe Perota and first aired on MTV on May 28, 1996. The MTV Unplugged was Alice in Chains' first concert in two and a half years, and contains live, acoustic versions of the band's biggest hits and lesser-known songs. A new song, "The Killer Is Me", was performed for the first time during the concert. The acoustic version of "Over Now" (originally released on Alice in Chains' 1995 self-titled album) was released as a single. The album debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 chart, and has been certified platinum by the RIAA. The performance was released on DVD on October 26, 1999, and re-released as a CD/DVD package featuring unaired footage on Septemb...

Ishod Na Nišanu: "Opredeljenje Za Kontraubeđenje" | Outcame On Gunpoint: Determine for Counter | Résultat sur la cible Déterminer pour la contre-persuasion | Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie

  Ishod Na Nišanu Outcame On Gunpoint Résultat sur la cible  *   "Opredeljenje Za Kontraubeđenje"  Tihim, pretećim, dubokim glasom, Na svim mestima u isto vreme, Živi oštroumni hologram, Uz puno kletvi I zaklinjanja, Sa eksperimentalnim glasom,  Sa neba, Poručuje da treba prineti žrtvu i proliti nevinu krv, Radi mira i spasenja,  Uz poklonjenje, Kroz tri čina, menjanja ličnih opisa i identiteta, Viori se crna zastava, koja je na sve oči pala, Nakon toga sledila je žestoka kritika i svađa, U mraku sa polu-sestrom i polu-bratom, Drugi su shvatili da je kraj, Besno su bežali, jedni preko drugih u još dublji mrak, Opstali su oni koji su verno sledili svoje opredeljenje za kontra-ubeđenje. *** Determine for Counter-persuasion In a quiet, threatening, deep voice, In all places at the same time, A living shrewd hologram, With a lot of curses and oaths, With an experimental voice, from heaven, He recommends that sacrifice be made and innoc...

Best Albums Ever: Dead Kennedys: "Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables" (Expanded Edition) Punk, Punk Rock

Best albums Ever:  "Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables"   (Expanded Edition) Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables is the debut studio album by the American punk rock band Dead Kennedys. It was first released on September 2, 1980, through Cherry Red Records in the United Kingdom, and later issued by Jello Biafra's own Alternative Tentacles label in the United States. It is the only Dead Kennedys album to feature drummer Bruce Slesinger and guitarist Carlos Cadona. Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables Dead Kennedys are an American punk rock band that formed in San Francisco, California, in 1978. The band was one of the defining punk bands during its initial eight-year run. Dead Kennedys' lyrics were usually political in nature, satirizing political figures and authority in general, as well as popular culture and even the punk movement itself. During their initial incarnation between 1978 and 1986, they attracted considerable controversy for their provocative lyrics and artw...

Dečak aka The Kid (2008) Extend Edition ::: Movie by Sebastian Sava Gor - Drama Psychological Music

Dečak aka The Kid  Extend Edition (2008)  Movie by  Sebastian Sava Gor "Dečak" je kratki psihološki portret muzičara.  Film daje akcenat na unutrašnje stanje glavnog lika, uz muziku kojom se bavi. Analizira se krizno, anksiozno stanje u kome se muzičar nalazi.... Nadrealno, Dramatično uz muziku koja dosta doprinosi atmosferi.  ================   "The Kid" is a short psychological portrait of a musician. The film emphasizes the inner state of the main character, along with the music he is engaged in. It analyzes the crisis, anxiety in which the musician is .... Surreal, Dramatic with music that contributes a lot to the atmosphere. ********************* Drama  Psychological  Music EX EX Channel / 2.36K subscribers ⚓

Teologija.net - Аутографи: "Боје Бога" у уметности Мијалка Ђунисијевића - Владимир Коларић / Autographs - "Colors of God" in the art of Mijalko Đunisijević written by Vladimir Kolarić

  Аутографи:   "Боје Бога"  Сликар Мијалко Ђунисијевић  Написао:  Владимир Коларић Colors As Icon- Theology -  The New Serbian Icon Painting,  Mijalko Djunisijevic Сликар и иконописац Мијалко Ђунисијевић каже да своје радове конципира и израђује полазећи од пронађених и одбачених предмета, а да је прву икону урадио тако што је пронашао даску коју је избацила река и помислио: „Овде би требало да насликам икону“. Као што преображава одбачено и непотребно и претвара га у нешто сушто, а не утилитарно потребно, Ђунисијевић тако преображава и наслеђе савремене уметности, у првом реду апстрактног експресионизма и поп арта, њихове већ примећене религијске аспекте преображавајући у иконичне. Он не само да није равнодушан према нашем свету непотребном и одбаченом као материјалом од ког и неретко полазећи од ког слика своје радове, него их слика одбаченим четкицама, који бих се често постидели и основношколци. Али он слика перфектно, као да својом стваралачк...