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Bela Mačka: "Zajedno" 18 - Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie

  Bela Mačka:  "Zajedno"  18 Mrak je već neko vreme… i senka je nestala, takav mrak Kobac se uselio u srca, brzo i oštro, nasrće na duh Sapliću se ljudi Besne, vrište i šapuću o besmislu Na repove izrasle, jedni drugima gaze Padaju na zemlju ledenu a kada staršno i bolno zviznu Čkilje kao deca Tada ponovo traže očinsku sigurnost i majčinsku toplinu Kasno je, nema više zagrljaja Svako ostaje sam, dok ne shvati šta je nužno Da dobro shvati šta znači reč... zajedno... "Hodočašće" presovani ugalj   Irena Bijelic Gorenjak - Contemporary Painters - Artmajeur

Best Albums Ever: Cocteau Twins - Heaven Or Las Vegas (1990) Dream pop, Ethereal Wave, Gothic, Rock, Post-Punk

 Cocteau Twins "Heaven Or Las Vegas" (1990) Cocteau Twins were a Scottish band active from 1979 to 1997. They were formed in Grangemouth by Robin Guthrie (guitars, drum machine) and Will Heggie (bass), adding Elizabeth Fraser (vocals) in 1981 and replacing Heggie with multi-instrumentalist Simon Raymonde in 1983. The group earned critical praise for their ethereal, effects-laden sound and the soprano vocals of Fraser, whose lyrics often abandon recognisable language.[5] They pioneered the 1980s alternative rock subgenre of dream pop. The band's early work drew influence from Siouxsie and the Banshees and Joy Division.[7] After signing with the British record label 4AD in 1982, they released their debut album Garlands later that year.[5] The addition of Raymonde in 1983 solidified their final lineup, which produced their biggest hit in the UK, "Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops", peaking at No. 29 on the UK Singles Chart. In 1988, Cocteau Twins signed with Capitol Recor...

Best Albums Ever: Keith Jarrett - "The Köln Concert" (1975)

  Keith Jarrett    "The Köln Concert"  (1975) The Köln Concert is a concert recording of solo piano improvisations performed by Keith Jarrett at the Opera House in Cologne (German: Köln) on January 24, 1975. The double-vinyl album was released in 1975 by ECM. It became the best-selling solo album in jazz history and the best-selling piano album[10] with sales of more than 3.5 million. According to music critic Tom Hull, the album "cemented his reputation as the top pianist of his generation". Released November 30, 1975[ Recorded January 24, 1975 Venue Opera House, Cologne, Germany Genre Jazz Length 66:07 Label ECM Producer Manfred Eicher Keith Jarrett (born May 8, 1945) is an American jazz and classical music pianist and composer. Jarrett started his career with Art Blakey, moving on to play with Charles Lloyd and Miles Davis. Since the early 1970s he has enjoyed a great deal of success as a group leader and a solo performer in jazz, jazz fusion, and ...

Serijal AGAPE: Episkop Jegarski Porfirije, danas Patrijah Srpski Porfirije " Vaskrsenje Hristovo" - teologija, теологија, théologie

Серијал АГАПЕ: Епископ Јегарски Порфирије, данас Патријах Српски Порфирије "Васкрсење Христово" - теологија AGAPE series: Bishop Jegarski Porfirije, today Serbian Patriarch Porfirije "Resurrection of Christ" - theology Série AGAPE : Mgr Jegarski Porfirije, aujourd'hui Patriarche Serbe Porfirije "Résurrection du Christ" - théologie Simbol univerzalne ljubavi naziva se agape. Stari običaj u ranom hrišćanstvu bila je trpeza za kojom su sedeli svi, i bogati i siromašni, deca i odrasli, gospodari i robovi, jednom rečju na kojoj je svako bio podjednako dobrodošao. Vremenom je to prešlo u tradiciju i agape postaje simbol univerzalne (svima dostupne) hrišćanske ljubavi. Tako postoji i izreka „i danas se zna ko veruje da nam je samo ljubav potrebna njegova trpeza je agape“. Etimolozi to i potvrđuju, pa navode da izraz agape potiče od ἀγάπη što se doslovno prevodi kao ljubav. Prvi hrišćanski istorici Sokrat i Sozomen potvrđuju ovaj običaj koji se praktikovao prv...

Best Albums Ever: New Orleans Funk The Original Sound of Funk 1960-75 - Funk

New Orleans Funk  The Original Sound of Funk  1960-75 Tracks: 2. The Explosions – Hip Drop 3. Lee Dorsey – Who's Gonna Help Brother Get Further 4. Gentleman June Gardner – It's Gonna Rain 5. Eddie Bo – Check Your Bucket 6. Professor Longhair – Big Chief 7. Huey "Piano" Smith & His Clowns – Free, Single And Disengaged 8. Chuck Carbo – Can I Be Your Squeeze 9. Aaron Neville – Hercules 10. Mary Jane Hooper – I've Got Reasons 11. The Gaturs – Gator Bait 12. Allen Toussaint – Get Out Of My Life Woman 13. Cyril Neville – Tell Me What's On Your Mind 14. Bo Dollis & The Wild Magnolia Mardi Gras Indian Band – Handa Wanda 15. Lee Dorsey & Betty Harris – Love Lots Of Lovin 16. The Explosions – Garden Of Four Trees 17. Ernie & The Top Notes – Dap Walk 18. The Meters – Just Kissed My Baby 19. Marilyn Barbarin – Reborn 20. Dr. John – Mama Roux 21. Danny White – Natural Soul Brother 22. Eddie Bo – Hook 'N' Sling, Pt. 2 23. Ernie K. Doe – Here Come The...

Spontano Sagorevanje: "Puste Želje, Pusti Snovi" 31 | Zbirka Kratkih Priča | Une collection d'histoires courtes | A Collection of Short Stories

  Spontano Sagorevanje:  "Puste Želje, Pusti Snovi"  31 Nije razlog njegovog neraspoloženja bilo to što je ustao na levu nogu. Naprotiv, on je ustao i stao na desnu nogu, ali nije dobro stao, u tome je stvar…tako da je desnu nogu uganuo. I ne samo to, već znamo da kada se desi neprilika, treba biti obazriv, da se ne dogodi još koja neprilika, kako to ume često da bude. Ali ko ga može kriviti što je ljut? Čovek je bio bolan i besan, a kada je video svoju četkicu za zube koja se raspada, pa kada je posle toga prosuo kafu, a što se opekao, kada je prao posudu, kojom je kafu skuvao. Mislim da je opravdano to, što je zbog svega besno pljunuo u sudoperu. Ali to nije dovelo do toga da mu bude bolje, nije se smirivao ni bol ni bes. Tako da se on, na putu ka poslu, posvađao sa dva čoveka, čak je dao sebi za parvo da kritikuje neku devojčicu u autobusu, zbog toga kako je obučena, gde joj je rekao da ona tako privlači pažnju i onih koji to ne žele. Pre posla je svratio u apoteku, ku...

John Coltrane and Miles Davis Columbia Recordings, Only for Truly Lovers - Jazz

John Coltrane and Miles Davis  The Complete Columbia Recordings of  Miles Davis with John Coltrane is a box set featuring jazz musicians Miles Davis and John Coltrane. It is the first box set in a series of eight from Columbia/Legacy compiling Davis's work for Columbia Records, and includes never-before-released alternate takes, omissions of other musicians, musician comments, false starts and a first version of compositions, some of which have made it to the 50th Anniversary 2-disc CD version of Kind of Blue. Originally issued on April 11, 2000 in a limited-edition metal slipcase, it was reissued in 2004 in an oversized book format. In conjunction with Sony, Mosaic Records released the 9 LP set. WIKIPEDIA John Coltrane Track list:  1 | 00:00 | John Coltrane - Cat Walk  (Charles) 2 | 07:12 | Miles Davis & John Coltrane - 'round Midnight  (Hanighen) 3 | 13:09 | John Coltrane - Moment's Notice  (John Coltrane) 4 | 22:19 | John Coltrane - Slow Dance  ...