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Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F# A# ∞ (Full Album) [1080p]

" F# A# ∞ was recorded at the original Hotel2Tango in spring 1997 on a rented 16-track tape deck and supplemented with various field recordings. In the preceding year, the band had taken shape as a quasi-orchestral outfit involving most of the players that would go on to make three more records and tour the world many times. This is the first recorded document of Godspeed as a large band and is soaring, fragile, awkward, heartbreaking stuff... GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR / F#A#∞ [1995-1997]

The Best Of Cigarettes After Sex

"Cigarettes After Sex is an American dream pop band formed in El Paso, Texas, in 2008, founded by Greg Gonzalez. The band is known for their ethereal, limerent and often dream-like musical style, lyrics often based on the themes of romance and love, as well as Gonzalez's voice, which has been described as "androgynous". While marketed as an ambient pop band, Cigarettes After Sex are also considered to be shoegaze, slowcore and indie rock... Cigarettes After Sex Cigarettes After Sex

Danil Harms: Jedna Muva / kratka priča

  Jedna muva udari u čelo gospodina dok je trčao, prođe mu kroz glavu i izađe kroz potiljak. Gospodin, koji se zvao Dernjatin, bio je veoma začuđen: učinilo mu se da mu je u glavi nešto prozviždalo, a na potiljku je prsnula kožica i škakljalo ga je. Dernjatin se zaustavi i pomisli: “Šta bi to trebalo da znači? Ta posve jasno sam čuo zvižduk. Ništa mi ne pada na pamet, da mogu da shvatim, o čemu se tu radi? U svakom slučaju, osećaj je redak, nalik na neku bolest glave. Ali neću više o tome da razmišljam, nastaviću da trčim”. S tim mislima gospodin Dernjatin potrča dalje, ali ma kako da je trčao, to mu nije uspevalo. Na plavetnom putu Dernjatin zape nogom i samo što ne pade, morao je, štaviše, da zamaše rukama u vazduhu. “Dobro je da nisam pao – pomisli Dernjatin – inače bih razbio naočare i ne bih mogao da vidim smer puta”. Dalje je Dernjatin koračao, oslanjajući se na svoju palicu. Međutim, jedna je opasnost sledila za drugom. Dernjatin je zapevao nekakvu pesmu da rasprši svoje loš...

The Best Of Tuxedomoon (Solve Et Coagula)

"Tuxedomoon is an experimental, post-punk, new wave band from San Francisco, California, United States. The band formed in the late 1970s at the beginning of the punk rock movement. Pulling influence from punk and electronic music, the group, originally consisting of Steven Brown (born Steven Allan Brown on August 23, 1952, in Chicago, Illinois) and Blaine L. Reininger, used electronic violins, guitars, screaming vocals and synthesizers to develop a unique "cabaret no-wave" sound. Bassist Peter Principle (Peter Dachert, 1954–2017) joined the band and in 1979 they released the single "No Tears", which remains a post-punk cult classic. That year they signed to Ralph Records and released their first album, Half-Mute. Eventually, Reininger left the group, and Tuxedomoon relocated to Europe, signing to Crammed Discs and releasing Holy Wars in 1985. The band separated in the early 1990s, only to reunite later that decade. They all have remained together since releasi...

Dead Can Dance ♦ (Full Album)

" Dead Can Dance is an Australian music duo from Melbourne, Victoria. Currently composed of Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry, the group formed in 1981 and relocated to London the following year. Australian music historian Ian McFarlane described Dead Can Dance's style as "constructed soundscapes of mesmerising grandeur and solemn beauty; African polyrhythms, Gaelic folk, Gregorian chant, Middle Eastern music, mantras, and art rock." Having disbanded in 1998, they reunited briefly in 2005 for a world tour and reformed in 2011 when they released and toured a new album, Anastasis. They released a new album in 2018 called Dionysus and are touring again as of mid-2019.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Can_Dance DEAD CAN DANCE

Die Haut – Head On (Full Album 1991) - Discogs

"Die Haut (German for the skin) were an experimental German post-punk and post-rock band in Berlin during the 1980s and 1990s, with such records as the Nick Cave collaboration Burnin' the Ice. The only constant member was Christoph Dreher. Formed as an instrumental rock quartet, many of their recordings and live performances featured an array of international guest vocalists. Their last full-length album was "Spring" (1997) followed by a remix album called "Springer" (1998). At the same time the band went on hiatus, Remo Park and Christoph Dreher have continued to work as separate acts, and Jochen Arbeit with Rudi Moser joined the Berlin-based underground legend Einstürzende Neubauten."  wiki/Die_Haut

Бранко Миљковић (1934-1961) : Седам мртвих песника

Бранко Ноћ испод земље развеселим Израсте ветар у нежну биљку из тог подземља где светиљку и птицу никад да доселим Непронађене пропланке крви и пешчано подне сам одболово ал топли хлеб твог имена још мртвим птицо међу пределима, Стражилово земљо преко мога заспалог ума док лист по лист умире шума Дете сакривено у једном пољупцу пати  сутра рођено.  О нек се ветар с биљкама измотава Нека се камење пред невидљивим раскршћем успава Само да л ће на скелету осмех мој препознати? Гроб на Ловћену Али не, то још увек није време То је једно место које препознајем у простору Мртве су горе одакле та реч дође Свинго с птицом лажљивом уместо лица које Свлада  тајна иза слепе маске.  Рођење је једина нада. Видим смеле мостове преко којих нема ко да прође. Спавај ти и твоја судбина претворена у брдо, крута где провејава смрт и љубав не спасава. Дан и ноћ си помирио у својој смрти што нас обасјава. Тај сан је у ноћи продужетак дана и пута. Шта си птица или глас који луга под дивљим...