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Mad Season - Above (Full Album)

"Mad Season was an American rock supergroup formed in 1994 as a side project of members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene. The band's principal members included guitarist Mike McCready of Pearl Jam, lead singer Layne Staley of Alice in Chains, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees and bassist John Baker Saunders. Mad Season released only one album, Above, in March 1995. Its first single, "River of Deceit", was a radio success, and Above was certified a gold record by the RIAA in June."  Mad Season (band) Wikipedia      MAD SEASON / Amazon

Fugazi - 13 Songs (Full Album)

" Fugazi is a band from Washington, D.C. They played their first show on September 3, 1987 and since then they have released seven albums and toured the world extensively covering all fifty United States, Europe, Australia, South America, Japan and many points in between. The band is self managed and release all their material through Dischord Records.... Fugazi / Dishord Records

Poljubac Žene Zmaja: "Povratak Putnika" | The Kiss Of The Dragon Woman: "Return of the Traveler" | Le Baiser de la Femme Dragon : "Le retour du voyageur" | poetry | poezija | poésie

Poljubac Žene Zmaja:  "Povratak Putnika" Putniče, čini se da si izgubljen ove noći, Tvoja pojava se vrtoglavo i iskeženo ceri, č ini se ispdaju ti oči. Negde, na putevima, raskršćima, imao si prilike da sagledaš, mračni napon duševnog progona. Zajamilo toliko snova i nadanja...čekao si da prodje. Svako svoju volju projavljuje... Tamne ti naduvene ruke tako propuštaju sveopšte veselje. Pri povratku putniče obrati pažnju na glasove srama, Seti se strašne i tajnovite dubine okeana, Uplivaj javno,  U radost, koja je za tebe, o davno, Pripremljena tajno.   EX EX _ Duh The Kiss Of The Dragon Woman: "Return of the Traveler" Traveler, you seem lost this night, Your appearance grins giddily and distortedly, your eyes seem to fall out, Somewhere, on the roads, at the crossroads, you had the opportunity to see the dark tension of mental persecution, Somewhere there were so many dreams and hopes...you waited for them to pass, Everyone expresses their will... You...

Throwing Muses ♦ The Real Ramona (Full Album)

"Throwing Muses was founded in 1980. Since then they’ve released more than 10 records and are currently working on another. The band tours, as time permits. Their most recent tour brought them to the UK, Ireland, Europe and the east coast of the USA. "  THROWING MUSES

Doktor Spira i Ljudska Bića - Dijagnoza - (Album 1986)

" The Belgrade singer-songwriter Dušan Mihajlović "Spira" (acoustic guitar, vocals) started his musical career during the late 1972 in an acoustic rock duo called Mira i Spira, also featuring Mirjana Marković (vocals). After a series of performances on happenings, especially the ones organized by Pop Mašina members in the Belgrade Sports Hall, Mihajlović achieved a major affirmation after the inclusion of his song "Prvi sneg" ("The First Snow") into the repertoire of the acoustic rock band Suncokret, being eventually released on their debut album Moje bube (My bugs) in 1977.  During the late 1970s, Mihajlović had given up the acoustic sound, turning towards the current trends of the time, the upcoming new wave music, forming the band Doktor Spira i Ljudska Bića, which in its initial period had changed numerous lineups."  Doktor Spira i Ljudska Bića / Wikipedia

Tom Waits - Rain Dogs (full album)

Tracklist: 01 Singapore 02 Clap Hands 03 Cemetery Polka 04 Jockey Full Of Bourbon  05 Tango Til Theyre Sore 06 Big Black Mariah 07 Diamonds And Gold 08 Hang Down Your Head 09 Time 10 Rain Dogs 11 Midtown (instrumental) 12 9th & Hennepin 13 Gun Street Girl 14 Union Square 15 Blind Love  16 Walking Spanish 17 Downtown Train 18 Bride Of Rain Dogs (instrumental) TOM WAITS

Sisters Of Mercy – Vision Thing (Full Album) 1990

SISTERS OF MERCY / Home Page SISTERS OF MERCY / Wikipedia The Sisters of Mercy je британски готик рок бенд који је формиран 1980. у Лидсу, у Енглеској. Након постизања раног успеха у андерграунд круговима, бенд је имао комерцијални пробој средином 1980-их и одржавао га до средине 1990-их, када су престали да објављују нова издања у знак протеста против њихове издавачке куће. Тренутно бенд одржава само турнеје. Бенд има три објављена студијска албума, од којих је последњи био издат 1990. Сваки албум је снимљен са другом поставом, осим певача и композитора Ендруа Елдрича (Andrew Eldritch) и ритам машине зване доктор Аваланш (Doktor Avalanche) који су једини стални чланови бенда. Елдрич и Аваланш такође су били укључени у The Sisterhood, сајд-пројекат настао услед Елдричевог спора са бившим члановима.