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Ishod Na Nišanu: "So i Zemlja" | Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie

  Ishod Na Nišanu Outcome On Gunpoint Résultat sur la cible  " So i Zemja" Veliko Oko U oku moć i slava Bela i crna boja... * Tri svetlosti!  Svaka je dobra, ali nije svaka, bez početka i bez kraja... * Počinjem da se vrtim kao čigra, Na nuli je težnja da se zaustavim... * Tražiš mir?   Kakav mir?  A slava? I gde je tu sada tvoj gnev? * Beton čoveku na glavu pada! So i Zemlja! 💙 Music Intermezzo - Live Session:  Jazz-Rock Fusion "Between the Sun and the Moon" 02 "Salt and Earth" Big Eye Power and glory in the eye White and black color ... * Three lights! Each is good, but not each, without beginning and without end ... * I'm starting to spin like a tern, At zero is the tendency to stop ... * Are you looking for peace? What peace? And the glory? And where is your anger now? * Concrete falls on a man's head! Salt and Earth ! 💙 EX EX:  INFERIO 💙 "Sel et Terre" Grand œil Puissance et gloire dans les yeux Couleur blanche et noire... * Trois...

Ishod Na Nišanu: "Video-Krug" | Outcome On Gunpoint"Video Circle" | Résultat sur la cible "Vidéo Cercle" | Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie

  Ishod Na Nišanu Outcome On Gunpoint Résultat sur la cible  "Video-Krug" Naglo i bez mog znanja promenio se videokrug... Ona je trepnula, zatim mi je namignula Zaspao sam na čas... Sanjao sam je ispod drvoreda, kako leži na zemlji, Moje ruke su pustile muziku Slika je savršeno sinhronizovana Liči na krug  Početak i kraj... * Zapisi o najtajnijim trenutcima, zavejani su u svim vremenima Spremni su da otputuju, da budu predati Za život sveta i  večnog pamćenja. 💙 Music Intermezzo - Live Session:  Jazz-Rock Fusion "Between the Sun and the Moon" 01 "Video Circle" Suddenly and without my knowledge, the video circle changed, She blinked, then winked at me, I fell asleep for a moment, I dreamed of her under an alley, lying on the ground, My hands played music, Everything fit in perfectly, Like a Circle, Beginning and end, Notes on the most secret moments are flooded with times, They are packed gently with wet wipes and essentials, In my old, military, dark gree...

Top Movie Director's Ever: Stanley Kubrick | Cinéma, Кинематографија, Филм, Cinema, Film, Movie

  Top Movie Director's Ever:  Stanley Kubrick Production photo of director Stanley Kubrick on the set of the 1975 film Barry Lyndon. Stanley Kubrick (/ˈkuːbrɪk/; July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999) was an American film director, producer, screenwriter, and photographer. He is frequently cited as one of the greatest filmmakers in cinematic history. His films, almost all of which are adaptations of novels or short stories, cover a wide range of genres and are noted for their realism, dark humor, unique cinematography, extensive set designs, and evocative use of music. Kubrick was raised in the Bronx, New York City, and attended William Howard Taft High School from 1941 to 1945. He received average grades, but displayed a keen interest in literature, photography, and film from a young age, and taught himself all aspects of film production and directing after graduating from high school. After working as a photographer for Look magazine in the late 1940s and early 1950s, he began makin...

Spontano Sagorevanje: "Budi Se, Otvori Oči! " 40 | Zbirka Kratkih Priča | Une collection d'histoires courtes | A Collection of Short Stories

"Spontano Sagorevanje" je Zbirka Kratkih Priča, napisana 2021. godine u Beogradu, Srbija. Priče u ovoj knjizi se odnose prema stvarnosti na nadrealealan, apstraktan , iracionalan način. Teatar apsurda u mini formi gde se kroz nadrealnu formu postavljaju pitanja na važne egzistencijalne momente naše sadašnjice. * "Spontaneous Burning" is a Collection of Short Stories, written in 2021 in Belgrade, Serbia. The stories in this book deal with reality in a surreal, abstract, irrational way. A theater of the absurd in mini form, where questions are asked through surreal form about important existential moments of our present. * "Spontaneous Burning" est un recueil de nouvelles écrites en 2021 à Belgrade, en Serbie. Les histoires de ce livre abordent la réalité d'une manière surréaliste, abstraite et irrationnelle. Un théâtre de l'absurde en mini forme, où des questions sont posées sous une forme surréaliste sur des moments existentiels importants de notre...

Ishod Na Nišanu: "U Belom" 28 | Zbirka Poezije | Poetry Collection | Recueil de poésie | poezija | poetry | poésie

  Ishod Na Nišanu Outcome On Gunpoint Résultat sur la cible  28 "U Belom"  To je tvoja velika flota, Labudova, galebova, ajkula, delfina i kitova, Crnih pantera, leoparda i slonova, Gustih čestara, širokih polja, stabala višanja, hrastova i breza, Tu su tvoja brda, planine, livade i pustinje, To je tvoja boja, odraz budućeg veka, Postaješ oaza, Slobodno letiš i dobro vidiš, da nema kraja… Dopusti da se tome radujem, To je deo besmrtnog mozaika, čiji sam i ja, mali deo, Iz kamena, posvećen prahu, preko lica, preko tela, Za svedočanstvo svima, da nakon toga stojimo, U belom, sve do potpunog ispunjenja.   "In White" That's your big fleet, Swans, seagulls, sharks, dolphins, and whales Black Panthers, Leopards, and Elephants, Dense thickets, wide fields, cherry, oak, and birch trees, There are thy hills, mountains, meadows, and deserts, It's your color, the reflection of the age to come, You become an oasis, You fly freely and you can see well that there is no en...