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Movies by Books 05 ::: Fight Club - David Fincher based on book by Chuck Palahniuk (1999) psychological thriller / Trailer | 20th Century FOX

Fight Club Book  Fight Club is a 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk. It follows the experiences of an unnamed protagonist struggling with insomnia. Inspired by his doctor's exasperated remark that insomnia is not suffering, the protagonist finds relief by impersonating a seriously ill person in several support groups. Then he meets a mysterious man named Tyler Durden and establishes an underground fighting club as radical psychotherapy. In 1999, director David Fincher adapted the novel into a film of the same name, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. The film acquired a cult following despite underperforming financially. The film's prominence heightened the profile of the novel and that of Palahniuk. The sequel Fight Club 2 was released in comic book form in May 2015. Fight Club 3 was released in comic book form in 2019 Author Chuck Palahniuk Cover artist Michael Ian Kaye Melissa Hayden Proverbial Inc. Country United States Language English Genre Satirical novel Publishe...

Spontano Sagorevanje: "Kapital" 26 | Zbirka Kratkih Priča | Une collection d'histoires courtes | A Collection of Short Stories

Spontano Sagorevanje:  "Kapital" Dan je brzo prošao. Došla je noć. Vreme je bilo da pokupim svoje stvari i da krenem.  Pitao sam:  - Gde je Kapital? - Jaoj...juče je prošao komšija...tražio je da pozajmi Kapital...ja... - Kakav komšija... prekinuo sam Minu, svoju prijateljicu. Kapital mi je bio strašno bitan i nameravao sam da ga poklonim, tačnije poklon sam već obećao drugaru. - Komišija, slikar - alkoholičar...živi sam u šumi... - Mina se smejala se dok je pričala. - Gde bre čoveče u šumi?! - Gore u sred šume u napuštenoj kući... - Odmah, molim te, oblači patike i vodi me u šumu! Izašli smo na trem. Ispred nas je gusta noć i još guša šuma. Upalio sam lampu na mobilnom telefonu, uperio je iznad nje... ona je hodala prva, maltene je trčala uz uzak šumski putić. - Gde je taj čovek! Čuješ šta te pitam, gde je taj čovek, dugo se već pentramo, otićiće baterija! - nema odgovora. Ona rukama razazgrće grane i juri preko očigledno joj poznate staze.  U jednom trenutku, ispre...

Best Albums Ever: The Clash: "London Calling" (1979) punk . post-punk . new-wave . experimental rock

The Clash: "London Calling" (1979)  The Clash were an English rock band formed in London in  1976 who were key players in the original wave of British punk rock. Billed as "The Only Band That Matters", they also contributed to the post-punk and new wave movements that emerged in the wake of punk and employed elements of a variety of genres including reggae, dub, funk, ska, and rockabilly. For most of their recording career, the Clash consisted of lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Joe Strummer, lead guitarist and vocalist Mick Jones, bassist Paul Simonon, and drummer Nicky "Topper" Headon. Headon left the group in 1982 and internal friction led to Jones' departure the following year. The group continued with new members, but finally disbanded in early 1986. The Clash achieved critical and commercial success in the United Kingdom with the release of their self-titled debut album, The Clash (1977) which continued with their second album, Give 'Em Eno...

Spontano Sagorevanje: "Optimizam, pesimizam, humanizam, kapitalizam, komunizam…" 25 | Zbirka Kratkih Priča | Une collection d'histoires courtes | A Collection of Short Stories

  Optimizam, pesimizam, humanizam,  kapitalizam, komunizam… Mitar je za sebe govorio da je, što se njegovog idejnog opredeljenja tiče, ortodoksni skeptik, pesmisimistični - optimista i kosmopolita. Nakon nekog vremena i pod uticajem raznoraznih okolnosti, odrekao se pesimizma u korist optimizma. Optimistično je počeo da izučava ezoteriju i okultizam. Idejne novotarije su ga posebno zanimale. Preko humanizma. razmatrao je i ekonomiju, kapitalizam i komunizam. Mitar je u jednom trenutku postao ugledan u društvu. Jedne noći humnizam ga je podsetio na propali pokušaj stvaranja komunizma. Kada je posle toga ponovo sagledao dubinu komunističke ideje, Mitar postade po idejnom opredeljenju ortodoksni komunista. Kada je svoja gledišta saopštio široj javnosti naišao je na potpuno odobravanje. Tu ideju, treba pratiti, primetili su neki ljudi kojima je Mitar verovao. Mitar je pratio ideju. Dugo je pratio, toliko dugo da se na putu potpuno izmorio, oslabio je i ostario. Potpuno iznemogao, ...

Movies by Books 05 ::: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Miloš Forman by Ken Kesey - psychological comedy . drama

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (novel)  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a novel written by Ken Kesey. Set in an Oregon psychiatric hospital, the narrative serves as a study of institutional processes and the human mind; including a critique of psychiatry, and a tribute to individualistic principles. It was adapted into the Broadway (and later off-Broadway) play: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Dale Wasserman in 1963. Bo Goldman adapted the novel into a 1975 film (of the same name) directed by Miloš Forman, which won 5 Academy Awards. Time magazine included the novel in its "100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005" list. In 2003 the book was listed on the BBC's The Big Read poll of the UK's 200 "best-loved novels." Author Ken Kesey Cover artist Paul Bacon Country United States Language English Genres Tragedy Publisher Viking Press & Signet Books Publication date ...

Best Albums Ever: Sonic Youth "Bad Moon Rising" (1985) - Noise Rock, - New-Wave, Post-Punk, Hard-Core, Experimental Rock

Sonic Youth - "Bad Moon Rising" Bad Moon Rising is the second studio album by American rock band Sonic Youth, released in March 1985 by Blast First and Homestead Records. The album is loosely themed around the dark side of America, including references to obsession, insanity, Charles Manson, heavy metal, Satanism, and early European settlers' encounters with Native Americans. Released to strong reviews from the underground music press, Bad Moon Rising was the band's first album to combine experimental material with transitional pieces and segues. The album was preceded by the single "Death Valley '69", which did not chart in either the US or UK (the track was re-recorded for the album and released again as a single in June 1985). The album was named after the 1969 song Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Bad Moon Rising (album) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sonic Youth was an American rock band based in New York City, formed in 1981....

Teologija - Свети Јован Лествичник: "ЛЕСТВИЦА" / Поука VI - О Сећању на Смрт - teologija. theology. théologie

 Свети Јован Лествичник ЛЕСТВИЦА Поука VI О СЕЋАЊУ НА СМРТ Свакој речи претходи мисао. А сећање на смрт и на грехе претходи плачу и  ридању. Стога сећање на смрт према логичком реду и стављамо на ово место. Сећање на смрт јесте свакодневна смрт; сећање на крај живота - непрестано уздисање.  Страх од смрти јесте својство природе, које произлази од непослушности, а дрхтање  пред смрћу јесте знак неокајаних грехова. Христос се плаши смрти, али не дрхти, да  јасно испољи својства две природе.  Као што је хлеб потребнији од сваке друге хране, тако је и сећање на смрт потребније  од свакога другог подвига. Сећање на смрт подстиче монахе који живе у заједници на  труд и дубоко размишљање, па штавише и на радосно подношење увреда. А код оних  који живе у безмолвију, оно доводи до престанка бриге о било чему земаљском, до  непрекидне молитве и чувања ума. Те врлине су и мати и кћи сећања на смрт.  Као што се калај разликује од сребра, иако н...